
Let it be Known

Let it be known....
that my dental fibroma, also so lovingly nicknamed Clarence has been removed! I got it lasered off last Thursday and it feels so unusual to actually have a normal smile. There's nothing like the feeling of teeth against a nice smooth lip. My mom came with me and opted to be the photographer for the occasion, and she definitely didn't know what she was signing up for. I gave her a comedy show she'll never forget! After an hour straight of laughing gas, two gauzes full of topical gel, 3 shots of Novocaine and a lot of laughing and crying, Clarence departed from this here mouth. I've included some pictures as well as Clarence. If you get grossed out easy you may want to turn your head now....

Yes I know the glasses are awesome! I'm trying to laugh but can't and no I'm not Shrek I just can't do it, it's too numb!

I seriously couldn't talk...for the first time in my life!



Yeah gross I know. You'll all be glad to hear that I am in full remission and have had no signs of Clarence or any of his friends. He left this earth on Thursday at approximately 3:25 and has joined his other dental fibroma friends in the biopsy lab. Godspeed Clarence, you won't be missed.

Until next time my smoggling bloggettes...


  1. Yuk, you poor thing! Will you have a massive canker sore there for a few days after? Well, it's good to have your beautiful smile back anyway.

  2. Yeah I had gnarly hole but now it just looks like a canker sore. It is healing nicely though!
